Get in touch..
Making the shift and getting started..
Deciding to take on lessons can be daunting at first. This is why as a teacher I am so focused on supporting you. My lessons are a space of full openness and vulnerability where its ok to make mistakes, its ok to have had a crappy week and forget about it for a little while, while we focus on the thing we love the most, music and the guitar. Its also important for us to have fun and a laugh along the way BUT accountability and commitment are everything if you want to see results. Nothing happens without persistence, determination and showing up every day to your practice and every week to your lesson without fail.
Maybe you've been thinking about lessons for a while. I get it. I was there, I even went through working with some teachers who just weren't right for me at all. Not only am I going to support you, I'm going to give you structure, accountability and a highly customised and tailored approach that you wont find anywhere else, definitely not on YouTube and most likely not from your average Music School graduate without the real world and professional performer experience I've got under my belt.
I'll get you results faster than anyone else, help you feel like your making massive progress on the guitar and show you what your capable of, that you don't even know you're capable of just yet.
Working with me, here's what you get:
-Weekly 50min Online or In-Person Guitar Lessons with me.
-Weekly Lesson notes, Customised Guitar Exercise Tabs and song Tabs.
-Access to my private Facebook/Discord Group community where we share guitar tips, tricks, and get extra support and a sense of community.
All you've got to do is put your details into the form below to apply, I'll be in touch and we can chat about getting you to where you want to be with guitar.

Contact cam -